Time management is one of the main skills you will need for your future success. Though, it can be challenging to keep up with time when juggling work, family life and other commitments, especially if you don't know where to start.
The article outlines simple and effective ways you can establish a systematic system that will allow you to ensure effective time management.
We must dedicate our time and energy to make the most out of our lives. Time is the one thing that cannot be bought or replaced no matter how rich we are. As such, making the most of our time is crucial to becoming successful and doing things we love.
We all have 24 hours in a day, so why do we still think that there's not enough time to get everything done? This feeling might come from the fact that most of us don’t manage our time well. Finding it difficult to manage your time? Don't worry, because you're not alone!
Importance of Time Management
What is the importance of time management? You may ask.
When most people think of time management, they associate it with productivity. The presence of the two words in a sentence can be seen as synonymous.
But just because there's a connection between time management and productivity, it doesn't mean you should only look at the benefits of doing so. Instead, you need to understand why it's important that you manage your time effectively and also the unseen importance of time management.
Managing your time effectively is key to getting everything done; if you don’t handle your time well, you’ll probably find that all the tasks on your plate won't get done and you won't end up achieving anything at the end of the day.

Benefits of Effective Time Management
Being better at time management will help you achieve so much more in your life. Do you want to become more prosperous? Then start managing your time more effectively. The results will be remarkable!
Improvement in your Work Performance
With the right time management, it's easier for you to focus on getting everything done, especially if you have a busy office job that requires a lot of attention. If you know how to prioritise your tasks, it'll be easier to get all the work done while ensuring that none of them was sacrificed.
Manage your Energy Levels Better
By increasing your energy level, you can gain more energy in your day. This will also help you maintain your energy levels throughout the day.
Decrease Stress and Anxiety
People who manage their time effectively can do so because they don't feel stressed out about how much is left to do before their day ends. By not overloading yourself with unnecessary tasks, you'll be able to manage the important things that productively matter the most.
Moreover, if there's a specific task that's causing you stress or anxiety, this can be easily avoided by making sure that it was taken care of first thing in the morning when it would require less attention from you.
Time Management Tools
The truth is that time management will not be effective if you're not going about doing it the right way. If you don't know what to do, and what's the best way to go about it, then you'll be able to achieve few results.
Here are a few time management tools that will help you manage your time better:
The Pomodoro Technique
This technique requires that you set aside a specific period at the beginning of your day, to focus on one task. You should then work on this task for 25 minutes through a series of 5 or 25-minute intervals. When your work session is over, check whether there were any tasks left to complete and work on them if necessary.
The Eisenhower Method
This technique requires that you divide your daily tasks based on the importance that they have:
Low priority tasks
These are tasks that you can do without any problem as they can be handled at a later time. You shouldn't spend too much effort working on them.
High priority tasks
These are tasks that need to be done daily. They should be addressed immediately and shouldn't be put aside for later.
Tips to Manage Time Effectively
Learn to Prioritise
Learning how to prioritise is quite important. If you're not able to prioritise, you'll end up doing too many things at once and it'll be difficult for you to get anything done. To do so, set aside a specific time in which this will be the primary thing that will take place in your daily schedule.
Stay Flexible and Responsive
Learn to say yes to other people when they ask you to do things that they need help with. You can't do everything, so saying yes will allow you to be more productive in the long run. The more you say no, the less time you'll have for what matters most in your life.
Understand what matters most in your life and focus on it
Your priorities should be based on how important something is for you. They must be measurable by numbers if they're really important.
Be Punctual and Disciplined
Being punctual and disciplined will help you manage your time more effectively. Your daily schedule should be clear, so that you'll know what needs to be done, and you should strictly follow it. Missing appointments or being late for meetings won't get anything done if you don't have a plan on how to make up for the lost time.

Don’t Multitask
Multitasking is a bad habit because it's physically impossible to work efficiently while multitasking.
Manage Interruptions Effectively
Interruptions are inevitable, as they're typically caused by external factors so always do your best to avoid these interruptions.
Stay Organised
Always maintain a daily planner and make sure that you keep it organised. Use different coloured pens for important events, such as meetings and appointments and always take key notes that highlight organised details.
Stay off Social Media
When you're trying to manage your time effectively, you shouldn't be on social media. The reason is that you'll be distracted from what's important, and it'll divert your attention from what matters the most.
If you do end up on social media anyway, don't try to answer any of the messages in the middle of work or while meeting someone. The only time that this is okay is if you're already at a meeting or if it's an emergency message and needs your immediate attention.
Other Tips to Manage Time Effectively
Be realistic when planning your time. You should set aside time to do the tasks that will make you more productive in the long run. For instance, if you need to study, then you should allot at least four hours of your day for this purpose.
You should also be sure that the activities you're engaging in have a clear goal or result. If they don't give anything meaningful in the end, then they shouldn't be given any attention by you.
Doing things on time will help manage your time effectively. If you're able to do the tasks that need to be done promptly, then you'll be able to get everything done without too much hassle.
You should also be aware of what you're doing every day to manage your time effectively. This will give you an idea of how much time is being spent on certain activities and how effective it was for your productivity at the end of the day.
Managing your time effectively is not difficult, but rather it requires that you take action and manage your activities better. Your effort will pay off in the long run, so be sure that you're doing things the right way.
Managing your time well will help you spend more time on activities that matter to you in life. Take note of these tips and start applying them whenever you realise that you have too much time to do something else other than what needs to be done at this point.
There are no shortcuts to managing time effectively, but through perseverance and hard work, there's no telling what great results can be achieved with the right persistence and determination.
How can I manage my time effectively?
Time management is all about setting priorities. You'll be able to set your priorities when you're able to prioritise based on what's more important or urgent than the rest of the things that need to be done at this point.
How can I improve my time management skills?
You can improve your time management skills by learning how to be more organised and disciplined.