Sometimes, life can throw up unexpected problems and challenges, and it is natural to complain or react negatively to these. However, there is great power in positivity, and one way to harness this power is through positive affirmations. Positive affirmations can alleviate your negative mindset through constant ‘positive self-talk.’ This acts as an antidote every time you find yourself with self-doubt, disbelief, fear, anxiety or any other sort of negativity that hinders you from looking at the brighter side of things.
An article from the online portal ‘Psychology Today’ states that social psychologists began serious academic research on self-affirmation theory in the 1980s, which continues till today, for over 40 years. The article further explains how several researchers discovered the positive effects of self-affirmations on individuals while conducting their study.

Below are some of the impacts of positive affirmations:
a.) Gradually decreases stress levels and improves mental wellness.
b.) Trains and strengthens the subconscious mind to be optimistic.
c.) Boosts self-confidence
d.) Improves efficiency in any kind of work

e.) Enables individuals to form better relationships
f.) Improves sense of self
g.) Helps individuals manifest their dreams and desires just the way they envision them

Joseph Murphy, the author of the popular book ‘The Power of Your Subconscious Mind’, has said, ’Your subconscious mind does not argue with you. It accepts what your conscious mind decrees. If you say, ‘I can’t afford it,’ your subconscious mind works to make it true. Select a better thought. Decree, ‘I’ll buy it. I accept it in my mind’.’
Hence, over a period of time, we realise how repeating positive phrases or affirmations reshape the way we think and feel about ourselves.
The next question that arises is how and what affirmations one can start to practise daily. The important thing to note is that affirmations can vary from person to person, reflecting personal goals, values, or areas of self-improvement.
Some of the daily affirmations for an individual to enhance their core beliefs or thought processes are:
1. I am powerful
2. I am capable
3. I can achieve anything that I desire
4. I can overcome this
5. I am grateful for everything
6. I am loved by everyone
7. I am successful at my job
8. I love myself
9. I attract good things
10. I can transform this negative situation into a positive one

You can add more positive affirmations as per one’s choices and desires.
Incorporating affirmations like these into our daily lives can make us calmer and have a soothing effect on our minds. One might recite them during crucial moments or even write them down as part of a daily journaling practice.
Over a period of time, these affirmations can become our inner voice to keep going and not give up even when we feel things are falling apart.
Ways to make positive affirmations part of our daily routine:
1. Personalise your affirmations: Your affirmations ought to revolve around areas that you are looking at to transform. Keep them concise so that you can easily remember them. For example – ‘I am at my best today’, ‘I am winning this’, ‘I’ll get my desired score’ and so on.
2. Designate a fixed time: The ideal time is either in the morning after you wake up or before you go to bed at night. Fix a slot that’s best suited as per your schedule. There are no restrictions as such to practise affirmations during other parts of the day as well!
3. Incorporate affirmations in your ongoing daily activities: Be it scripting, meditation or visualisation exercises, incorporate affirmations in these activities as well, so that it doesn’t feel like extra effort.

4. Visual reminders: On hectic days, we might miss out on our regular affirmations. In order to be disciplined, maintain one of these – a vision board, sticky notes or even digital wallpapers that don’t allow you to forget to affirm every day.
5. Remain consistent: Consistency is the key. Whether you’re writing your affirmations, saying them silently in your mind or out aloud, remain consistent and disciplined on a daily basis.