A study published by the researchers at the University of Bath, UK, found that even taking just a week-long break from social media can significantly improve the overall mental health of people who suffer from anxiety and depression. Even if you don’t have any of these health conditions, don’t discount the effect of a cleanse. Not only will it leave you feeling more positive but you’ll also find that you have quite a few free hours in the day.
Why do I quit social media if all my feed contains are cute puppies and beautiful places to visit? Well, it all comes down to that one post or caption you read that shows up between the puppies and places. Anything can set you on edge, be it something political or just someone sharing their own struggles. You never really know what can serve as a trigger. There is no denying that social media can bring you a ton of joy, new information, and the general feeling of belonging to a community. But at the same time, the fact that it can make you feel envy, sadness and self-criticism is when things get dangerous. In its truest description, according to me, being on social media apps is like being on a carousel ride of emotions that never ever stops. Seriously though, according to statistics, 1,074 pictures are uploaded on Instagram per second. Can you imagine scrolling through endless content and never ever even seeing one per cent of it in a day? So, it is entirely up to us to jump off when social media stops being fun.
Why do I need to quit social media?
The honest truth? It isn’t real life. The tailored and curated highlights you see of someone’s life can spark a whole spectrum of negative emotions in us, including anxiety, envy and more.
In India, mental health isn’t something that is taken very seriously and it is often subject to stigma and neglect, with brushing off of issues being the norm. According to a study by UNICEF, one in every seven Indians between the ages of 15 to 24 deals with depression and one of the key factors that leads to these rampant rates is social media.
Signs that I need to try a social media cleanse
You feel negative…If you feel negative after spending any time on it, it is time for a break up!
You just don’t feel good about yourself…If you end up comparing yourself with someone on the ‘gram, ditch it! The feeling of jealousy, FOMO and insecurity don’t have any business in your life.
You end up bedtime procrastinating…If, at the end of a long day, your idea of chilling involves spending time on your phone, you need to quit social media. Seriously, stalking or keeping up with internet wars is literally keeping you up at night.
Your friends/family complain about it…If your friends and family always complain about you being on the phone when you’re out, you may want to ponder on their comments.
The benefits of a social media cleanse

A better mood
Most studies have shown that taking a break from social media can help people feel better. They feel less negative and more in control of their lives.
Less anxiety
The feeling of FOMO is ingrained in us so naturally, you may feel a little low about missing out on the ‘gram but overall, studies show that staying away from social media can help declutter your mind. As you stop feeding your brain informational junk food, it starts focusing on things that actually matter. This can significantly help reduce anxiety.
Better IRL connections
Studies have shown that as our time on social media goes up, the quality and number of IRL interactions goes down. So while social media may be a great tool to use when trying to keep up with people far away, it doesn’t work as a substitute for human interactions.
Better sleep
When time on social media goes up, sleep quality goes down. Studies have shown that not only does using your phone right before bed displace sleep, but it also keeps you awake for longer by boosting emotional, cognitive and physiological arousal.
How to break up with social media apps
Day 1: Turn off notifications
If checking your notifications and clearing them is like a compulsion, just turn off all alerts for social media apps. This will also help you to begin your mornings on a clutter-free note because many of us tend to check the ‘gram as soon as we wake up.
Day 3: Delete all apps but one
Quitting cold turkey can be tough, so start by deleting all social media apps except one. Continue using only one and keep a designated time for use. Decide to use it for 30 minutes a day in two halves. This will help you to keep up with relevant information without spending all your time on your phone.
Day 5: Delete the app
Bid adieu to the app for as long as you like and enjoy all the free time you now have!