Today's defaults are busyness and more. That is to say, living slowly and with less is strangely viewed as more difficult. However, an increasing number of people are discovering first-hand that more does not always imply better. And being busy does not imply that you are important. Busyness isn't going to last forever as a status symbol.
So, if you often find yourself thinking about slowing down, and experience more of all the things life has to offer, no matter how big or small, then slow living as a concept is a great place to get started. Slow living entails a way of life that encourages people to take things more slowly in their daily lives. It has been defined as calm or unhurried movement or action. If you’re wondering how to get started, we’re here to help you.

1. Take a break
With the kind of lives we lead now, we are always online. Whether for work or socialising, there’s no denying that we are always partnered up with our gadgets. Sure, these have made our lives easier, but how much is too much? It helps to look away from our screens every once in a while and soak in the surroundings and notice how the little things make you feel. This way you’ll give your mind a much needed break.

2. Opt for organic
There’s no denying that what we eat impacts our overall wellbeing. With all the added preservatives and pesticides in our food items, it’s no wonder we have so many health complications these days. However, this can change with a shift to organic options. Nowadays, there’s no dearth of organic products in the market. All you have to do is read the labels to know about the ingredients and take your pick.

3. Stay connected in real time
Social media has been instrumental in bringing people together no matter where they are in the world. However, it has also created a divide in our real life where we interact less with our family and friends, and more with those online. Every once in a while, it’s great to just call a close friend or family member and catch up on what’s going on. Similarly, if you live with family, schedule a time where everyone can get together to play a game or just have conversations about how the day went.

4. Priorities: self-care and me-time
It’s imperative to take some time out for yourself. After all, your mind and body are at work all day and deserve some pampering too. You should take a good amount of time to unwind and relax, without thinking about chores and tasks. Listen to some music, and maintain a good night-time and morning regime which allows you to have some me-time as you prepare for the day.

5. Focus on rest and recovery
Rest and recovery are essential if you want to slow down. Prioritise taking a break when you feel overwhelmed and you’ll notice how your reaction changes towards the environment to a positive one. You’ll be in a much better headspace to deal with things.