Life is best explained through an ECG graph. A person is alive while the lines move in their zig zag pattern, with ups and downs. They turn flat only when a person is dead. Life comes with highs and lows, peaks and troughs, so it is hard to escape the challenges and struggles. What you can do, is tackle them effectively. Resilience within oneself becomes a determining factor in how a person copes with a negative situation. Regardless of whether one wins or loses, it is important that they don’t feel defeated.
Whether there is a dramatic upheaval in our personal lives, a global emergency thanks to the growing economic uncertainty, or political or social turmoil, any of these could feel like unprecedented struggle that you’re unable to cope with. It's completely fine to feel down and out, but you need to ensure that you won’t dwell on this feeling for long.

To tackle such situations, these are the steps you can take, which will help you become stronger and more resilient:
1. Find a sense of purpose:
It can difficult to go on during tough times, but identifying a sense of purpose can help you move forward. In fact, this can enable you to heal faster. For example, if you’re grieving the loss of a loved one or getting over a heartbreak, the sense of purpose can help you keep going as you focus on other things in life. It can provide you with the required strength to forge ahead. This can be achieved by becoming more involved in your community, cultivating spirituality, or even participating in activities that are enjoyable and important to you.
2. Believe in your own abilities:
More often than not, people suffer during their difficult moments because they do not believe in themselves or have simply given up on themselves. Confidence is a key factor. Having confidence in one’s self is important because it leads to building strength and fighting the situation. You can turn around your life with self-confidence.
3. Embrace change:
Change is the only constant. Yet most of us resist it, because we are in our comfort zones and want to continue with things as they are. Adapting to changes that are bound to occur around you, actually makes you tougher. The more flexible you become, the more you will naturally become resilient. Resilient people utilise these new opportunities and changes to branch out in new directions.
4. Develop an optimistic attitude:
You cannot become tough or resilient overnight. It is a gradual step-by-step process. But when you have a positive attitude towards anything, you’ll be able to quickly focus on the positive aspects of any given situation. This attitude will bring you to the realisation that that troubles are after all temporary, and situations will soon change for the better.

5. Develop problem-solving skills:
By developing problem solving skills on a regular basis, you won’t feel overwhelmed when a real crisis suddenly arises. Practising problem-solving means having to sketch out a plan or decide on ways to find a solution in any problematic situation.
6. Building a strong social network:
It's important to keep in touch with your loved ones during times of crisis and people you can confide in. They lend a sympathetic ear, impart courage and offer hope which is so very essential when you feel like your life is in shambles.

7. Take the right action:
Merely wishing for things to change won’t do anything for you. It’s important to take steps required to change your situation. Don’t worry about how far have you come and how much you have to go, but ensure you keep working and progressing towards your goals.
8. Self-care:
Often, during times of distress, people lose track of food, sleep, exercise and other self-care activities. This can be extremely dangerous. In your journey towards achieving resilience, you also need to prioritise your wellness at all times.