Working from home, which at one point seemed like a luxury, has now become a necessity. The buzz of an office is now changed with familiar sounds of the washing machine, the dish washer, or kids playing in a different corner of the house. And while you may have gotten used to this new work environment, it begs the question: is your current work space conducive to your productivity or performance? Here are five hacks to help you declutter your workspace, and keep you on track.
1. Motivational Décor

Choose a corner in your home that’s furthest away from any distractions, but provides you with ample natural light. Make sure that you have a designated desk, and comfortable chair ready for use. Now, before you start to organize this space, find a motivational quote that you can turn into a piece of home office décor, and hang it where you can see it at all times. You will find it won’t only motivate you to tidy your space regularly, it also serves as a pick-me-up during a long working day.
2. File It

If you’re dealing with a lot of official paperwork, be sure to create a filing system all your important documents. One way to organise your documents is to label the files in terms of priority or use. Another way to go about it would be to colour code your files as per project or client. Also, it is advisable take some time towards the end of your work day, to organise and file all that you’ve worked on through the day, keeping your filing system updated.
3. Keep It Handy

Depending on the nature of your work, it’s best to keep tools or files you know you’re going to use regularly (important documents, your notepad and pen, a water bottle, etc.) on the side of your dominant hand as you’re subconsciously bound to reach for the things kept nearer to your dominant hand. If you’re working at a messy desk, chances are, you’ll pick something you may not need sooner than necessary, disrupting your schedule and causing a further delay. Moreover, the water bottle serves as a good reminder to keep yourself hydrated, fresh, and to take the occasional break.
4. Go Wireless

While we know it’s not completely possible to go wireless (given that have to charge your devices), it does help to keep your cables detangled so they look neat and tidy. When you set up your work station, make sure you have an extension cord that reaches the main power outlet. Make sure your chargers and earphones are untangled and stored neatly. You could tape the laptop or desktop wires to the floor or the wall, or get a cable organiser to keep your cables away from one another, while still easily accessible when needed.
5. Give Everything A Home

Apart from the tools you’re sure to use regularly, there will be other items that might take up space on your desk. If your desk has storage, we recommend storing items you may use in spurts, in a cabinet or drawer. Remember, less is more. And if that’s not all, properly storing items means you know exactly where to find them, should you unexpectedly need something.
We recommend you try to neaten up your workspace at least once a week, if not daily. A clutter-free workspace is known to increase productivity as you can better focus on the task at hand. Moreover, an organised and tidy workspace keeps you motivated and focused.